Setup android studio linux
Setup android studio linux

setup android studio linux

If you just want a shell in the container, without starting Android Studio, run "./ bash" to bypass starting Android Studio Additional information - continous integration So it probably does not make sense to try starting via without The default docker entrypoint tries to start android-studio. You may use a Variable like this: "HOST_NET=1. Let the emulator run on the Hosts Display environment. HOST_DISPLAY - Allow the container to use the Display of the host.HOST_USB - Use the USB of the Host (useful if you want your physical device to be recognized by adb inside the container).NO_TTY - Do not run docker with -t has some options which you can set via Environment variables. "docker run -i $AOSP_ARGS -v pwd/studio-data:/studio-data -privileged -group-add plugdev deadolus/android-studio" You may of course change the name of the container. So you may also run "docker pull deadolus/android-studio". " directly.Īn already built version is also on Docker Hub. Just run "./", or "docker build -t deadolus/android-studio. If you don't have a display the Emulator can run with a "dummy" display - perfect for continous integration. You can even start an Emulator inside it.

setup android studio linux

Complete Android-Studio in a Docker container.

Setup android studio linux