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Mapping and localization from a large set of planar markers is yet a scarcely treated problem in favour of keypoint-based approaches. Squared planar markers are a popular tool for fast, accurate and robust camera localization, but its use is frequently limited to a single marker, or at most, to a small set of them for which their relative pose is known beforehand. For the benefit of the community, its code for ROS (Robot Operating System) has been released. In this paper we provide the implementation details, an exhaustive evaluation of the system in public datasets and a comparison of most state-of-the-art feature detectors and descriptors on the presented system. Both aspects are essential for its practical use in real robotic systems that interact with the physical world. The stereo constraints of our system allow a robust initialization –avoiding the well-known bootstrapping problem in monocular systems–and the recovery of the real scale. Our system follows a parallel-tracking-and-mapping strategy: a tracking thread estimates the camera pose at frame rate and a mapping thread updates a keyframe-based map at a lower frequency.

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